What's new at Jeanne's Quilting?
A new year, a new Block of the Month!
The Posy Stars Quilt is our Block of the Month project for 2021. The Posy Stars Quilt features appliqued flowers in pieced star blocks. It will be available throughout 2021.

Please note: if you are one of those on my Yahoo Groups email update, I'm sorry to inform you that I will no longer be sending emails. Yahoo Groups has a glitch that has me locked out and, after hours of an endless loop of frustration, I've given up trying to get back in. Sorry for the inconvenience.
- At long last, we have State Flowers 1, 2, and 3 patterns available. Watch for the final pattern in this series, State Flowers 4, later this year.

- Our newest pattern, State Flowers 3, has directions for twelve 12" pieced blocks based on U.S. State Flowers:
- Apple Blossom/Arkansas & Michigan
- Pasque Flower/South Dakota
- Yellow Jessamine/South Carolina
- Goldenrod/Kentucky & Nebraska
- Violet/Illinois & New Jersey
- Camellia/Alabama
- Trailing Arbutus/Massachusetts
- Yucca/New Mexico
- Oregon Grape/Oregon
- Cherokee Rose/Georgia (an all new block!)
- Indian Paintbrush/Wyoming
- Rocky Mountain Columbine/Colorado

- Our newest pattern, State Flowers 2, has directions for twelve 12" pieced blocks based on U.S. State Flowers:
- Prairie Rose/Iowa & North Dakota (an all new block!)
- Bluebonnet/Texas
- Mountain Laurel/Connecticut & Pennsylvania
- Lady's Slipper/Minnesota
- Mock Orange/Idaho
- Sego Lily/Utah
- Orange Blossom/Florida
- Iris/Tennessee
- Saguaro Cactus/Arizona
- Forget-me-not/Alaska
- Black-eyed Susan/Maryland
- Lilac/ New Hampshire.
- The first in the series, State Flowers 1 pattern, features directions for twelve 12" pieced blocks:
- Red Clover/Vermont
- Magnolia/Louisiana & Mississippi
- Peach Blossom/Delaware
- Sunflower/Kansas
- Pinecone/Maine
- Dogwood/North Carolina & Virginia
- Rose/New York
- Peony/Indiana
- Sagebrush/Nevada
- California Poppy/California
- Scarlet Carnation/Ohio
- Early Blue Violet/Rhode Island (an all new block!)
- See a quilt for my 18-year-old grandson, Big & Bold Stars in the Virtual Gallery.
- See the latest in the Guest Gallery, a beautiful Vermont Posy Patch quilt, from Peggy.
- Exciting news! The Sister's Choice quilt that I made for my sister Kathy is featured on the cover of Emilie Richard's latest novel, "Sister's Choice." See more about this in the Virtual Gallery.
A Tenth Anniversary gift to you! It's been a pleasure building this site since 1998 and meeting so many wonderful quilters. The very simple, very quick Giant Star Quilt is perfect for donation quilts, as my guild is doing. Enjoy!
Flower patterns galore!
Cottage Garden Path Birthday Blossoms
- More flower patterns! Cottage Garden Path Quilt and Birthday Blossoms Quilt are both patterns that include 12 full size flower designs each. See our Pattern Page. You'll find 13 more patterns with a flower theme as well as several other fun designs.