12” Hatchet

The hatchet block can be made as a single hatchet or as a four patch hatchet.

Single Hatchet Block

Single Hatchet: Cut two 9 1/2" squares; mark diagonally on the wrong side. Place one square right sides together with a 12 1/2" white square. Stitch on marked line; trim seam to 1/4". Press seam toward corner. Repeat for the other corner.

Hatchet Block Drawing 1

Hatchet Block Drawing 2

Four Patch Hatchet: Cut eight 5" squares; mark diagonally on the wrong side. Place one square right sides together with a 6 1/2" white square. Stitch on marked line; trim seam to 1/4". Press seam toward corner. Repeat for the other corner. Make four and assemble like a four patch

Four Patch Hatchet Block

Jeanne’s Quilting

North Country Quilters

©2004 Jeanne R. Prue