Free Quilt Pattern!

 Quilt size: 42" x 51"
My Mother, Avon Mackay, died October, 2001, at age 68. Mom was a super Mom, fabulous cook, most patient teacher, and a world-class seamstress. She loved children best of all and clothed several generations of lucky little ones.
I've designed this quick and easy baby quilt in honor of Mom. If you make this quilt, please consider donating to a worthy children's charity. My family has chosen to donate children's and baby quilts to the Oncology Dept. of Children's Hospital of Wisconsin, 9000 W. Wisconsin Avenue,
P. O. Box 1997,
Milwaukee, WI 53201-1997. Children's Hospital does wonderful things for critically ill kids, as they did for my niece Kim, who has triumphed over osteosarcoma.
You can download Baby Magic Quilt HERE.
What you will need:
- 3/4 yd. Color A dark *
- 1/2 yd. Color A light
- 3/4 yd. Color B dark *
- 1/2 yd. Color B light
- 1 1/2 yd. Backing
- 46 x 54 Batting
- Embroidery floss, pearl cotton or crochet cotton
* If fabric is less than 45 wide, add 1/8 yd.
Color A dark
- 2 x 45, cut 7 *
- 10½ x 10½, cut 4
Color A light:
- 10½ x 10½, cut 4
- 3½ x 3½, cut 4
Color B dark
- 2 x 45, cut 7 *
- 10½ x 10½, cut 4
Color B light:
- 10½ x 10½, cut 4
- 3½ x 3½, cut 2
* If fabric is less than 45 wide, cut 9 strips.
Magic Nine Patch Directions:
- Seams are 1/4 throughout. Place a Color A dark and Color A light 10 1/2 x 10 1/2 right sides together. Stitch along both sides. Cut into three 3 1/2 wide strips. Stitch individual strips to the stitched pairs, alternating light and dark. Press seams toward the dark.
- Turn blocks 90° and place right sides together. Stitch along both sides. Cut into three 3 1/2 wide strips. Stitch individual strips to the stitched pairs. Repeat for all 10 1/2 x 10 1/2 squares, pairing Color A light and dark and Color B light and dark to make 8 nine patches of each color.
Quilt Directions:
- Stitch four units of four Magic Nine Patches.
- Stitch all 2 Color A dark and Color B dark strips together to make sashing/borders.
- Measure one of the nine patch units; cut five of the sashing/border units this length (approximately 36½ long). Alternating sashing/borders and nine patches, stitch together.
- Measure the length of a nine patch/strip/nine patch; cut four sashing/border units this length. Stitch a B light between two sashing/borders; add an A light to each end. Make two of these. Stitch to quilt top at sides.
- Cut backing slightly larger than quilt top. Lay the backing fabric on a large table or the floor, right side up. Smooth out and tape or pin so the fabric is very smooth. Lay the quilt top, right sides together, on top of the backing. Pin all around the edges. Stitch in a Ό-inch seam, leaving about a 10 inch opening to turn, backstitching at beginning and end of the seam. Trim backing fabric to the same size as the top.
- Lay batting on a large table or the floor; smooth out all bumps and wrinkles. Lay quilt top, top side down, onto batting. Pin all around, again leaving the 10 inch opening free. Stitch, quilt side up, on the same stitching line. Trim corners diagonally and turn right side out. Hand stitch opening shut. Smooth the quilt, pulling batting into shape. Pin wherever ties will go. To tie, use embroidery floss, crochet cotton or pearl cotton to take a small (Ό inch) stitch at each pin; tie surgeons knots: right over left twice, then left over right twice. Trim threads to about ½ inch.
© 2016 Jeanne R. Prue